M- Machine
P- Particularly
U- Used for
T- Technical and
E -Educational
R- Research
What is computer?
A computer
is a very versatile electronic machine.
presence is felt in almost every aspect of life be it every organization.
There are two types of computer-
Analog computer: Analog
computer handles information of a physical nature. For finance, temperature,
pressure, etc.
Digital computer: Digital
computer process information which is essentially in a binary, namely, zero and
one. They fall into different range called micro-computer, minicomputer,
mainframes and supercomputer, which can be further classified in ascending
order of size-small, medium, large and very large.
Main characteristics of computer-
calculation speed and information storage,
Ability to
take variety of instruction,
Carry out
computations accurately.
Anatomy of a computer-
processing unit (CPU)
Input unit
Output unit
CPU: CPU is the
brain of computer. The CPU constitutes the main memory, control unit and
arithmetic logic unit. The major parts of a CPU are:
- Primary or main memory
- Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
- Control unit
Inputting: refers to process of entering data
in to the computer with the help of, an input device.
Input devices
Touch screen
Outputting: Refers to the process of showing the
information to the user either on screen (monitor) or on paper (through
Storing: Refers to the storage of data and
instructions in the computer’s main memory, for manipulations.
Hardware: The physical
components of a computer are known as hardware.
What is operating system?
Operating system is an interface between user application and is an system software.
Definition of system software
1.Translate user commands
2.Provides interface between input/output units
3.Executes application such as word processer.
Linux operating system
Linux is a multiuser, multitasking operating system. Developed by Linus benedict Torvalds in the year 1991.
Linux is a 32-bit operating system, run on the wide variety of platforms, such as Intel, spar ,alpha etc.
Basic Linux elements
Kernel: The kernel is the core of Linux system and is loaded in to the memory as soon as the system starts manages main memory, files.
Maintaining the date and time, launching application, and allocating system resources are also function of this part of the operating system.
Shell: Shell is a program which interprets commands given by the user command can be either typed in through the command line
Some Important questions and answers
Magnetic disk
2) Which drive contains
program files?
C drive
3) Which device scans only
OCR (optical character reader)
4) How many primary
partitions can be created?
5) Which memory is nearest
to CPU?
6) Full form of LCD is?
Liquid crystal display
7) Disk requires …………….for
8) Ctrl +shift+Esc are
used for?
Task manager
9) How many keys do a
standard keyboard?
104 keys
10) Operating system performs the
To manage the memory and process
11) Which of the following devices can be
used to input printed text?
12) Add , subtract, divide, multiply and
logic operations are performed by: ALU
13) Main memory stores: Data, program, and results or any other kind of information
14) A smart terminal is one which: Has in- built processer capability
15) A laser printer uses: Photo – sensitive drum
16) A plotter is: An output device to produce drawing and graphics
17) In a hard disk, the 0 track is: The outermost
18) A CD-ROM is: An optical rom
19) Software designed for a specific
purpose is known as: Application software
20) A language translate is best
described as: System software
21) A floppy disk is organized as : Tracks and sectors
22) The errors that can be pointed out by
the compiler: Syntax errors
23) An open source operating system: Linux
24) Laser printer resolution is specified
in terms of: DPI
25) 1 kilobits is: 1024 bits
26) LILO is used for: Multiboot
27) GUI is used an interface between : Software and user
28) File extensions indicate only graphic
files: BMP and GIF
True and false type questions
1.User can manage disk partition even
after windows installation. True
2.Disk defragmentation occupies space
to create problems in hard disk. False
3.Red hat is a Linux distribution. True
4.Attrib command in DOS used for list
the folders. False
5.Micro processer and micro controller
are same. False
6.Files contains folder. False
7.CPU stores data and programs. False
8.ROM contains BIOS firmware. True
9.CD/DVD is an optical disk. True
Some Important words in computer
Function: a built in formula that performs a
specialized calculation.
a built in
formula that performs a specialized calculation.
Account: a form of access to a computer or
network for a specific user name and password usually with a home directory, an
e-mail in box, and set of access privilege.
Algorithm: a sequence of precise and unambiguous
instruction for solving a program in a finite number of operations.
Alignment: The placement of text along the left
margin, right margin, or both.
ALU: Arithmetic logic unit performs all
mathematical and logical operation.
Analog computer: A computer that operates on data which is in
form of continuously variable physical quantities, such as electrical current.
Animation: A set of images, picture, or drawing
displayed in sequence to imply movement.
Applications: Specific uses of a program, with
Archive: Backup storage, usually a secondary
storage medium such as a mass storage device that operates on semi direct
access and sequential principals.
AI (artificial intelligence) : A branch of computer science that
deals with computer that possess reasoning ,learning ,and thinking capabilities
that resemble those of human being.
ASCII (American standard code for information
interchange): A standard coding
system for computers.
Assembler: A program that translate mnemonic
statements into executable instructions.
Auxiliary storage: Often referred to as secondary
storage that supplements the primary internal storage of a computer.
Backup: Alternate facilities of programs,
data files, hardware equipment etc. that are used in case the original one is
destroyed, lost, or fail to operate.
Barcode: A coding structure in which
characters are represented by means of a series of parallel bars.
Benchmark: In the electronic information
disciplines, a benchmark is an established performance standard for processing data,
against which new equipment and software can be evaluated.
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