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Friday, February 23

Solid state and Nuclear Physics Notes - 01 (Unit -1) B.Sc.- III

(Syllabus is according to lucknow university, also helpful for competitive exams, solid state chapter )
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Detailed topics-

  • Basis
  • Crystalline and amorphous solid
  • Face
  • Unit cell
  • Primitive unit cell
  • Wigner seitz cell
  • Reciprocal lattice

Solid state and Nuclear Physics

Solid state and Nuclear Physics

Solid state and Nuclear Physics

Solid state and Nuclear Physics

Solid state and Nuclear Physics
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Brillian zone
Q) - To construct a Brillian zone having length and width ratio 3?

Brillian zone  Q) - To construct a Brillian zone having length and width ratio 3?

Brillian zone  Q) - To construct a Brillian zone having length and width ratio 3?

Brillian zone  Q) - To construct a Brillian zone having length and width ratio 3?

Miller Indices
Q) - Write down miller indices of (6 3 2)?
Q) Draw the structure of (1 1 1)?

Miller Indices  Que- Write down miller indices of (6 3 2)?

Miller Indices  Que- Write down miller indices of (6 3 2)?, Draw the structure of (1 1 1)?

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Elements of symmetry
Plane of symmetry
Axis of symmetry
Center of symmetry
Simple cubic lattice
Body centered cubic lattice
Face centered cubic lattice
Bragg's law
Lau Experiment

Elements of symmetry  Plane of symmetry  Axis of symmetry  Center of symmetry

Center of symmetry

Simple cubic lattice  Body centered cubic lattice  Face centered cubic lattice

Bragg's law

Lau Experiment

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Bravis lattice structure
Cubic structure
Tetragonal structure
Trigonal or Rhombohedral structure
Orthorhombic structure
Hexagonal structure
Monoclinic structure
Triclinic structure

Bravis lattice structure

Cubic structure  Tetragonal structure

 Orthorhombic structure  Hexagonal structure

 Monoclinic structure  Triclinic structure

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Modulang energy
Proof of Modulang energy
Cohsive energy
Lattice energy
Q) Show that a lattice can not have five fold of symmetry operation .
Interplanner spacing

Modulang energy

Proof of Modulang energy

Proof of Modulang energy

Cohsive energy

lattice energy

Interplanner spacing

Interplanner spacing

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Point group
Space group
Q) Find out the direct reciprocal lattice vector of FCC lattice ? and also find the number of lattice point per unit cell of FCC lattice .
Q) Find out the direct reciprocal lattice vector of BCC lattice ?
Q) Calculate the glancing angle of (1 0 0) plane if a= 2.814 À and X-ray of wavelength 0.710 À .

Point group  Space group  Quenching

Q) Find out the direct reciprocal lattice vector of FCC lattice ? and also find the number of lattice point per unit cell of FCC lattice .

Q) Find out the direct reciprocal lattice vector of FCC lattice ? and also find the number of lattice point per unit cell of FCC lattice .

Q) Find out the direct reciprocal lattice vector of BCC lattice ?

Q) Calculate the glancing angle of (1 0 0) plane if a= 2.814 À and X-ray of wavelength 0.710 À .

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